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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Life-Changing Educators

There is a gentleman by the name of Lemov who now helps lead a company known as Uncommon Schools, a charter school company in the most urban sections of New York & New Jersey. There is much that is unique about this company and the amazing reform they are making in education, especially the education of the most impoverished students, with the least resources...the ones that many people expect so little from. Their scores are now blowing away their privileged counterparts in both states and in the districts in which they serve.

Lemov has published an incredible book, not based strictly on research or philosophy, but rather on what he has witnessed in the classrooms he has observed since being part of Uncommon Schools.  The book describes the important changes that teachers have to implement if they want to be amongst the GREAT and not just the average or the "good."
Included with the book is a DVD with short snippets of some of these great teachers in action, implementing these very tenets, not because they were asked to, but because this is how they teach, and this is where Lemov first got these practices and ideas from!

I have read many many texts throughout undergraduate and 2 graduate degrees, and don't frequently recommend many of them, as so many seem to be a regurgitation of what someone else has already written, but THIS ONE IS DIFFERENT...this one is POWERFUL and LIFE-CHANGING for educators, and I sincerely hope you will either purchase or download this from the freeshare network online, so that you can TEACH LIKE A CHAMPION!

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